Monday, March 23, 2009

FLIF receives UofA Senate recognition

FLIF is pleased to inform you that our student group has been nominated for the University of Alberta Senate's Beyond These Halls community service recognition program.

This Senate distinction recognizes the community service efforts of all groups and individuals that are nominated, but they also select certain individuals/groups to acknowledge at a celebration event. We have recently been informed that the Senate has selected FLIF as one of the groups to be specifically recognized at this ceremony.

Group members, supporters, and guests may join the festivities, and any FLIF committee members and anyone from the School or community wanting to attend are welcome.

The celebration event is:
Wednesday, March 25th
Timms Centre for the Arts
The Senate office has requested RSVPs to

We want everyone to know that it is the commitment of our members and FLIF supporters that make us a strong student group, one able to give back to our community. It is nice to have the efforts of past and present FLIF committee members and efforts recognized in this fashion, and our thanks go out to everyone for their encouragement. Finally, we feel that the partnerships we’ve forged with the UofA CLA Student Chapter and the members of GELA's advocacy and outreach subcommittees have created unique opportunities for FLIF. We hope that these groups and their members will share this distinction with us, as their excellent contributions make us the group we are today.

Masha and Richard
FLIF Co-chairs, 2008/09

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's fantastic! Congratulations on being recognized!