Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The FLIF Most Wanted Book Challenge

The FLIF Most Wanted Book Challenge is on!

Each year at Homeless Connect we have requests for specific titles, authors, and subjects that we cannot accommodate with our generous donations from EPL and the University of Alberta Libraries. This year we hope to provide more of these highly requested books by specifically collecting these items.
Participants in the Most Wanted Book Challenge will work in groups to collect as many items as they can that fall within the parameters of our most wanted list (included below). The team that has collected the most books after one week will be awarded a prize from FLIF. 

Each team will be provided with the most wanted list, a small amount of cash ($10), and an envelope for collecting any receipts. If you would like to participate but missed the noon meeting today it's not too late! Just email us at flifblog@gmail.com and we can arrange to get you some cash or you are more than welcome to play with exclusively donated books.
Any books that are purchased with the money must be accounted for with a receipt of some kind (even if it is handwritten). Any unused cash should be returned to FLIF at the end of the competition.  
You can beg, borrow, or buy the books from anywhere and use your powers of persuasion to collect as many materials as possible for our Homeless Connect patrons. Good luck and please rendez vous back in Henderson Hall in on Tuesday, October 11th at noon to tally up the collections and name the winners.

If you have any questions please email the FLIF co-chairs at flifblog@gmail.com

Homeless Connect - Most Wanted: 


Types & Titles:
  • Current best-selling fiction (vampire novels, Millennium Trilogy, Game of Thrones, The Help, etc/)
  • Self-help/inspirational/Christianity (Chicken Soup series especially)
  • true crime
  • biographies
  • sports books
  • Archie comics
  • graphic novels
  • crossword books (new)
  • Goosebumps series
  • Children's books (French language books especially)

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