“Freedom of communication is the indispensable condition of a healthy democracy. In a pluralistic society it would be impossible for all people at all times to agree on the value of all ideas; and fatal to moral, artistic and intellectual growth if they did.
Some of the Coalition's participating organizations reject all barriers abridging access to any material, however controversial or even abhorrent to some. Others reject barriers for adults, so long as their individual right of choice is not infringed. All of us are united in the conviction that censorship of what we see and hear and read constitutes an unacceptable dictatorship over our minds and a dangerous opening to religious, political, artistic, and intellectual repression.”
The winners of the 2012 NCAC Youth Free Expression Project
film contest have recently been announced.
NCAC has given youth 19 years of age or younger who are living in the United
States the chance to participate in this contest since 2004. The theme for 2012
was book censorship - You’re Reading What?!?.
The 1st place winning entry is a four minute film called “Waking”
created by Eden Taylor Ames, which features a life-changing visit to the
library. All winning entries are available on the NCAC website.
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