Friday, October 16, 2009

Penny McKee Branch New Location Announced

The Penny McKee Branch Library in Edmonton has announced their new location - in a former bar and strip club.
The branch was not able to remain in the Abbotsfield Mall and are moving a block away into their new location by the end of the year. There are plans to heavily renovate the Roadhouse Grill building, adding windows and an aquarium.
The new location is causing some controversy, the CBC has been reporting on the announcement of the new location today. Concerns have been raised by some members of the community that the library will be 'too close' to drunks. This seems to presume that only certain members of the community will (or should) use the new location, and that library-goers need to be protected from the community at large.
This should be a very interesting transformation for the Penny McKee Branch and their users.
Please follow the link to the CBC story, the discussion going on in the comments is particularly interesting. It looks like there are a lot of people in favour of this move (or at least in favour of keeping the branch open in the community no matter where it will be)

CBC - Library's Move into Former Bar Stirs Controversy

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